Personal Happiness Map Questions:
1 year, 7 months ago timeenjoyed

Growing up, I guess I deferred to what my parents taught me - the purpose for my life was to be a vessel for God and a follower of Jesus. Personally, I think this led to a lot of struggle with self identity after shedding those deep-seated beliefs. Despite all that being far in the past, I still sometimes need to reflect on what's important to me because I need to balance my personal feelings with external reality.

Today, I paid mind to a sheet of paper with questions I asked myself when struggling to create happiness (that I taped to my wall). I'm removing it from my wall now, and sharing these questions here:

Personal Happiness Map Questions:

  • Am I happy doing what I'm doing right now?
    • On a scale of 1-10, how happy am I? (Can't use 7)
  • What would I do if no one was watching and success was inevitable in it?
  • What would I NOT do if I knew for sure it would fail?
  • What woudl I do EVEN  if I knew it was going to fail?
  • What am I doing right now because I think I SHOULD do it?
  • Looking back at last week, how much of my day was spent doing things I actively enjoyed?
    • How'd that compare to the week before?

Ideally, one would answer these questions multiple times throughout their life to re-calibrate and see how the progress goes.

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