All nighter equals good?
1 year, 4 months ago timeenjoyed

Super weird, but I think that all-nighter reset was really good for me. I intended to just 'rest' at 6pm, but ended up staying asleep to 4am. I was in and out of sleep until 8am, where I kind of chilled in the morning before work.

Today, I felt a lot more productive, and had a lot more energy, lol. Figures. But I got tons done, went for a jog, and overall was just in a super stable and grounded mood.

As I was looking at company names while preparing for an upcoming trip, I started looking up people in my past life. People I used to work for (I worked with their kids), and it made me reallyyy want to reach out to them for coffee, just to ask about their thoughts on the future. I actually reached out to one parent. One of the kiddos I worked with who was shorter than me is now over 6'5"!!! LOL. I actually really look forward to seeing them again.

There's another family that I want to reach out to, but I have some painful memories associated with them related to the loss of a pet. They've always been good to me though, and I have a lot of respect for them. I'll have to spend more time on that one.

So, thoughts about the above is actually what inspired this blog post. I wanted to ask ChatGPT about how to rationally think about the above situation while navigating the pain I feel. It made me realize how easy it would be to just use AI-chat to bounce all my ideas off of. Maybe that's the future. Who knows. So, here I am blogging, and in a way, wondering if maybe this form of self-reflection is going to last into the future.

... Nahhh.. :b

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